Sentieon DNAscope Germline SNV/INDEL Variant Calling
Sentieon® DNAscope, for accurate comprehensive germline variant detection
Key features:
- Enhanced variant calling sensitivity and accuracy though improved local assembly and machine learning model
- Supports HiFi long reads with award-winning accuracy and speed
- No run-to-run difference, no down-sampling in high coverage regions
- Winner of precisionFDA Truth Challenge
- Winner of precisionFDA Truth Challenge V2
Sentieon® DNAscope builds upon and improves the mathematical models used in DNAseq®. Sentieon® DNAscope improves local assembly for complex variants detection for both short reads and long reads. It also includes a machine-learning/AI module to further improve accuracy. Sentieon® DNAscope achieves best-in-class accuracy for all sequencing platforms with similar runtime as DNAseq®.
This workflow consists of 5 steps, which executes a typical bioinformatic analysis workload, starting from fastq raw data and ending with vcf output:
Preparing data. Download dataset from internet or load from shared storage (e.g. S3)
Mapping reads with BWA-MEM. Output coordinate-sorted bam file.
Remove duplicate reads. Output deduped bam file.
BQSR. Output recalibration table file.
Haplotype-aware variant calling. Output vc file.
Find more information about the MMCloud-Sentieon solution, visit here
Read about how MMCloud platform accelerates Sentieon workloads at this blog-